First was meeting Theresa James who came to my school to talk about her line she had just shown at Vancouver Fashion week. She has some amazing stuff inspired by a trip she took to India. Here are my favourites....oh and her line is called Retarded Velvet.
Then I went to see Miike Snow in concert which was not inspired by India that I know of but was a really fun show. The band came out wearing white masks which I found incredibly freaky, especially his half mask with handlebar mustache underneath...yikes... but it was off by the time he played Animal so I could thoroughly enjoy myself without the risk of having nightmares.
I then came home to find 2 great things in my mail box. 1. my tax return! yay money! and 2. The May issue of House and Home magazine! which is where I found the second India inspired very cool thing.
This furniture by designer Doshi Levien, so neat! My favourites are this couch called My Beautiful Backside and this Principessa daybed that makes reference to Hans Christian Andersen's tale The Princess and the Pea. If only my tax return for a few whole bunch of thousands more dollars I could buy one......
oOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i wish i got to go to miike snow